Dr Anil Aribandi

Dr Anil Aribandi Share Profile Citizens Hospitals

Haemato-Oncologist & BMT Specialist

Citizens Specialty Hospital, Nallagandla, Hyderabad.


MBBS, MD (Medicine), MRCP (UK), FRCP (Glasgow), FRCPath (Haematology), CCT (UK), EBMT


26 Years

Available Timings

Monday - Saturday: 9 AM - 6 PM

Dr Anil Aribandi


Dr Anil Aribandi is one of the top Haemato-Oncologist and BMT Specialists in India. He has over 26 years of medical experience including 18 years in hematology & BMT. He is working as a Senior Consultant Haemato-Oncologist and Bone Marrow Transplant Specialist at the Citizens Specialty Hospital, Hyderabad.

Driven by his keen interest in research, he has actively participated in various clinical trials. He has also showcased an array of critical cases at various recognized scientific conferences through his presentations.

  • MBBS - Kakatiya Medical College University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh (1995)
  • MD (Medicine) - Osmania General Hospital NTR University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh (2001)
  • MRCP - Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom (2005)
  • FRCP - Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow (2019)
  • FRCPath - Royal College of Pathologists, United Kingdom (2011)
  • EBMT- EBMT (2021)
  • CCT - Haemato-oncology, General Medical Council, United Kingdom (2011)
Areas of Expertise:
  • Haemato-oncology (leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, amyloidosis, etc)
  • Stem cell transplantation (autologous and allogeneic)
  • Clinical hematology (thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, iron deficiency, myelodysplastic syndrome, complicated anemia, Aplastic Anemia & PNH, etc)
  • Haemostasis and thrombosis (bleeding disorders including hemophilia and blood clot conditions)
  • English
  • Hindi
  • Telugu
  • Complex Bleeding Management-Multidisciplinary Approach. Anil Aribandi, CS Ranjith, K Ashok, Rajesh Mallik Gottipati. Res Pract Thromb Haemost, 2022
  • Hematological complications of Covid Immunization-Case series. Anil Aribandi, CS Ranjith Kumar, K Ashok Kumar, HemaSphere, 2022
  • Generic Elthrombopag with standard Immunosuppressive therapy in Severe Aplastic Anemia. CS Ranjith Kumar, Anil Aribandi, K Ashok kumar. HemaSphere, 2022
  • A case of double positive myeloproliferative neoplasm: A diagnostic and therapeutic challenge Anil Aribandi, Anurag Gupta, Suresh K Subramanian Manu Goyal. Indian J Pathol Microbiol Oct-Dec 2021;64(4):820-823
  • Refractory Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura - A Case Report A. Aribandi, C. Ranjith, S. Sushma, T. Surapaneni Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2021
  • Successful Pregnancy in a Patient with Factor XIII Deficiency and Recurrent Miscarriages [abstract]. Surapaneni T, Vadlamani H, Sukayogula M, Ranjith C, Aribandi A. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2021; 5 (Suppl 2)
  • Varied Presentations of TTP. Aribandi A, Ranjith CS. [abstract]. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2020; 4 (Suppl 1)
  • Tuberculosis reactivation following ruxolitinib therapy for myelofibrosis Anil Aribandi, Ranjit Kumar.CS, Rajesh M. Gottipati HemaSphere, 2021;5:(S2)
  • Profile of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) Prospective observational study Sirisharani Siddaiahgari, Archana Rauthan, Ranjith CS, JoydeepChakrabartty, Anil Aribandi HemaSphere, 2021;5:(S2)
  • Neutrophilic leukoaggregates--A rare hematological phenomenon. Sampath Kumar KJ, Lal S, Kalpati K, Lingutla AK, Aribandi A, Sharma A Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2021 Jan-Mar;64(1):223-224
  • Association of NUDT15*3 and FPGS 2572C>T Variants with the Risk of Early Hematologic Toxicity During 6-MP and Low-Dose Methotrexate-Based Maintenance Therapy in Indian Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Sunitha Kodidela, Patchava Dorababu, Dimpal N Thakkar, Biswajit Dubashi Rajan Sundaram, Niveditha Muralidharan, Ravi Prasad Nidanapu, Anil Aribandi, Suresh Chandra Pradhan and Chakradhara Rao Satyanarayana Uppugunduri Genes 2020 11, 594
  • Management of Hemato-oncology children during covid-19 crisis Ranjit Kumar C S, Raghu K Sukumaran, Anil Aribandi, Ashok Kumar K
  • Arun Kumar Lingutla, Krishnamani KV International journal of research in pharmaceutical sciences Vol. 11 No. SPL1 (2020): Volume 11 SPL 1 (COVID-19)
  • Increased risk of early haematologic Toxicity during maintenance therapy in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients of South Indian Origin carrying NUDT15*3 Allele
  • Sunitha Kodidela, DorababuPatchva, Dimpal Thakkar: Biswajit Dubashi, Rajan Sundaram, Ravi Prasad Nidanapu, Muralidharan Nivedita, Anil Aribandi, Suresh Chandra Pradhan, Chakradhara RS Uppugunduri. Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 5059
  • A Rare Case of Synchronous Presentation of Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Lung Cancer K. J. Sampath, J. Pridvi, A. Anil, K. Ranjith, L. Swati, S. Nishant Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2019, 10, 471-475
  • Hyper-nucleate plasma cell: a rare morphological finding Gupta Anurag, Manu Goyal and Anil Aribandi Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2018 Jan-Mar;61(1):147-148
  • Isolated trisomy 6 cytogenetic abnormalities in acute myeloid leukemia: a case report Vikranth Varma, Anil Aribandi, Sushma Chelmeda Egypt J Haematol 2017 42:172-174
  • Dose Escalation Study of Bendamustine Based Conditioning Regime (Bace- Bendamustine, Cytarabine, Cyclophosphamide, and Etoposide) in Patients with Lymphoma Undergoing Autologous Stem Cell Transplant Nidhi Dikshit, Rajani Sinha, Honey Maity, Nitin Sood, Anil Arabandi, Kasturi Sengupta and Joydeep Chakrabartty Hemat Transfus Int J 2017 5 (5):00130
  • Consensus in the Management of Multiple Myeloma in India at the Myeloma State of the Art 2016 Conference. Yanamandra, U., Khattry, N., Kumar, S., Raje, N., Jain, A., Jagannath, S., ... for IMAGE Group (2017) Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, 1-7. Jan 2017
  • Air Bubbles Produced During Rapid Blood Warming with Inline Blood Warmer Leading to Panic of Air Embolism. Vijay Kumawat, Anil Aribandi. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfusion Nov 2016
  • Treatment of CNS PTLD with intrathecal rituximab. A.K. Aribandi, M.A. Saif, D. Bonney, M. Kaleem, R. Wynn. Bone Marrow Transplant 45: S381-S427; March 2010 (abstract)
  • Recombinant platelet-derived growth factor (rPDGF) in the treatment of ulcerated necrobiosis lipoidica. Aribandi AK, Todd DJ. British Journal of Haematology, 133, (suppl), 33 April 2006.
  • Primary Lymphnode plasmacytoma: A case report - Bloodmed.com
  • Aribandi M, Aribandi AK. Imaging in Progressive multifocal Leukoencephalopathy-emedicine.medscape.com
  • Aribandi AK, Demuren O"Reactive Arthritis-Imaging"- emedicine.medscape.com

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