

Stimulation of our body’s natural defense mechanism to fight against cancer cells is called Immunotherapy. In some cases, doctors use modified immune cells, that are synthesized in the laboratory to target the cancer cells. The team of medical oncologists at Citizens Hospital uses cutting-edge immunotherapy techniques to develop personalized treatment plans and help in the faster recovery of patients.

Different mechanisms involved in Immunotherapy:

  • Monoclonal antibody therapy- Laboratory generated antibodies are used to target and block the division of cancer cells.
  • T-cell therapy- T-cells, a type of immune cells, are identified, extracted, modified, and then replaced in the patient’s body, which targets and kills the cancer cells.
  • Cytokine therapy- Cytokines, are a type of special protein (signal molecules) cells that trigger the immune responses in our body. During cytokine therapy, laboratory-generated cytokines are administered to the patients, to trigger the immune response and target the cancer cells.